Sticks & Songs Programmes
The Ukuleles, Sticks and Songs programme builds up a class ensemble and incorporates singing (unison to 2 part), playing, improvisation and performance. Ideally suited to Year 2 or Year 3 classes.
The songs cover a variety of musical styles with lyrics that support music learning and understanding. Ukulele parts include open strings and one finger chords with the option to extend to more advanced chords. Basic notation concepts are introduced, together with percussion parts, that start with simple rhythm patterns, with the scope to progress to more complex rhythms through improvisation.
Instruments: Ukuleles, sticks, egg shakers
Featuring: The 50-50 Chance Dance, High-Low-High, Listen, Strummin’ the Blues, Performance Sensation, So Latin

The Recorders, Sticks and Songs programme builds up a class ensemble and incorporates singing (unison to 4 part), playing, improvisation and performance. Ideally suited to Year 3 or Year 4 classes.
The songs cover a variety of musical styles that support learning and understanding as well as linking to other areas of the National Curriculum. Recorder notes are gradually introduced (unison to 2 part). Breathing technique is developed to support both singing and playing. Notation animations support music reading skills for both percussion and recorder parts.
Instruments: Recorders, sticks, egg shakers
Featuring: The Pipe and Drum (Show Them How We Do It), Sometimes, The Talking Bossa Nova, Do It Like You Dig It, Tango in the Bag, Can You…?

The Fiddle, Sticks and Songs programme builds up a class ensemble and incorporates singing (unison to 3 part), playing, improvisation and performance. Ideally suited to Year 2 or Year 3 classes.
The songs cover a variety of musical styles that support learning and understanding as well as linking to other areas of the National Curriculum.
The violin parts include open strings pizzicato which can also be played with the bow at an appropriate stage. Breathing technique is developed to support singing. Notation animations support music reading skills for both percussion and string parts.
Instruments: Violins, sticks, egg shakers
Featuring: Mission Musician, Fiddle-dee-dum, Ping That String, Forever and a Day, One More, Let's See...